Mission: Active Seniors' Options, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit 501c3 organization dedicated to enhancing successful aging through its collaborative efforts in education, training, research, and community service.
What We Do
Education and training events and programs for professional and lay persons
Consultation and technical assistance to organizations and individuals to enhance their abilities and capabilities to serve aging persons
Community programs and services to facilitate productive aging and lifelong learning.
Research and evaluation to identify and assess best practices for aging successfully
How We Do It
Active Seniors' Options, Inc., annually serves over 2,000 organizations and individuals with its services and products. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
One-on-one consultations
Seminars, workshops, and conferences
Research panels and focus groups
Community wellness screenings
How We Are Supported
Financial support for operations comes from multiple sources. These include:
Donations and contributions
Restricted and unrestricted grants and contracts
Service fees
Product sales
Sponsorhsips by businesses, industry, and individual patrons
How You Can Help
Make a tax-deductible contribution
Participate in the educational programs
Serve on research panels
Advocate for seniors
Use Active Seniors' Options' products and services